I finish my technical control without problem!
Car is perfect!
I drive little bit but I can feel so good!
My co-driver Alain Guehennec,He is ready to start also!
Tomorrow,We start from just front of pyramid!
I finish my technical control without problem!
Car is perfect!
I drive little bit but I can feel so good!
My co-driver Alain Guehennec,He is ready to start also!
Tomorrow,We start from just front of pyramid!
This is Jun joining the team on the night of the 28th. Early on the morning of the 29th, the mechanics went to claim the vehicle and move it to Alexandria. At three in the afternoon and we came face to face with the vehicle and at last began technical control.
This rally is a FIA rules rally so the technical control is really strict but to TLC, which Jun belongs to, it was as a breeze. It did not take even an hour to finish all of the procedures. The only thing left to do now is be at the start line.
“This is my fourth time to the Pharaons Rally. This is the team’s third time, so everyone is really calm. The technical control finished in no time at all. I didn’t have to do anything. That’s because the mechanics and the navigator Allen did it all for me. All I had to do was move the vehicle.”
The competition numbers were applied by the mechanics, and with that the rally car was ready. On the 30th a briefing was held. At last, the Pharaon Rally will start in one day.
I cure jet lag now in the hotel with headquarters.
I enjoy the relaxation time before the rally.
Some Japanese amateur participates this year.
I had dinner with them and talked a lot of stories about rally.
I think that amateur is leading of the rally!
My No.308!!!
check my No.308!
Tonight,I join my team member!
Jun Mitsuhashi has announced participation in the 2013 Dakar Rally as a member of Team Toyota Auto Body (TLC), the champion team in the [unmodified?] production category.
On his road back to the FIA T2 category championship, he has joined the Pharaons Rally, an important preliminary for Dakar. Arriving two full days ahead of his teammates, he is relaxing at his hotel to recover from his flight of over 22 hours. He will be joined by the others the evening of the 28th. After vehicle inspection on the 29th, they will have a day off before the rally begins on October 1.
“We had a very good run here last year. Because it turned into a joint competition with the next higher class, Super Production. Alas, machine trouble on the last day hurt our overall standings and cost us the production category trophy. I sure hope to take it home this time.”
他の日本人のエントラントの方たちの映像もJUN TVで見られて、皆さんとてもはつらつとして楽しそうでした。レンタルパッケージだとお安くて楽だと言う話が意外でした。普通高いかな?と思うので。ユーロ安のお陰ですね。海外ラリーも思ったより親しみやすい競技なんですね。