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(日本語) JUN’s report from bivouac
JUN TV、とてもわかりやすくて面白かったです。三橋選手のラリー参戦の歴史も良くわかったし、ラリーの魅力も良く伝わって来ました。トークも気さくな感じですんなり楽しく聞けました。昨日のステージは平らに見えても凸凹があり、踏んでいいギャップとそうでないギャップがあって見極めながら160km、って忙しい話ですね。やっぱりクロスカントリーラリーはワイルドでスリリングな世界です。今日も頑張って下さい!
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Report Stage1
October 1(Local date), Jun reached the first day of The Pharaons Cross Country Rally 2012. The starting time of cars and trucks got delayed 50 minutes due to the Egyptian Minister of Tourism came in late to the ceremony. Following the traditional start in front of the Giza Pyramids and the one week battle began.
Jun started at 8th and drove the car so fast from the begining. Unfortunately the tire hit the stone and one of the rear tire punctured. Jun lost some minutes to fix the tire but got in flow after the accident. He finished 4th in the overall standings and 1st in the class.
Jun said “I thought it’s only the stone and got over it. However the stone broke to pieces then the pieces hit the rear tire and it punctured. It was bad luck for me but everything was good. No problems at all”
The first day of the rally was good warm-up for Jun.
2012 Pharaons Stage 01 Result
Liaison: SS:330km
Overall standings: 4th
Class Result: 1st